6 February 2024

What type of products and services sue the managers? They tell it its depositaries


The macroeconomic context of last years, marked by some tall interest rates and volatility, among others matters, went modifying the offer of products that they have more promoted the managing entities. Thus, the alternative vehicles emerged as an option to search an extra return in the portfolios and, above all, diversification of the traditional assets. Now, in recent months, reductions of types by the central banks have promoted to the fixed income as the asset star of 2024.

And if that was not enough, in the side of the services, the constant novelties from the regulatory point of view have urged to the managers to implement changes in its companies. Which is why have needed of flexible solutions to address these novelties.

The depositary, as a partner of these companies, has gone evolving its offer to cover all these needs in what type of vehicles and strategies concentrate its plans? Aurora Cuadros, director of Securities Services of Cecabank, explains where are these trends.

Taking into account the environment of high interest rates, in recent months the vehicles that have mainly been launched to the market are concentrating on the investment in fixed income replying to the investing appetite of the usually conservative Spanish shareholder and we foresee that during 2024 remains this trend.

The managing entities demand increasingly services that reply so much to the constant regulatory modifications as to its optimisation needs of operational procedures. Following on from this, from Cecabank offer custom-made solutions to satisfy both casuistries, contributing so much leadership in the regulatory adjustments, for our surrounding area with the regulator, as an innovation in the definition of new services related to so strategic fields as are the digital assets.

Shall we talk?