Digital Banking Solutions

Cecabank is a benchmark bank in the provision of online banking services, including solutions such as the multi-device online platform, fraud monitoring and digital identity services, among others.  

Online multi-device banking platform in service mode. It includes solutions for generating remittances and gateways with the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ - Consejo General del Poder Judicial) and the General Treasury of the Social Security Institute (TGSS - Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social).
+3,350 million online banking transactions.
An appification hub that enables users to export information from the back end to third parties and add the third-party information.
Digital identity services in sign-up and signature processes for customers and non-customers through any channel for bank branches, online and mobile banking.
Fraud Monitoring with collaborative intelligence, for online banking and e-commerce.
Electronic invoice platform, invoice issuance and reception platform integrated with FACe and other points of entry of the Public Administrations.
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